ARS Australia releases 100th Anniversary schedule

SYDNEY: The Regional Committee of the Armenian Relief Society of Australia wishes to inform the community at large of the following events & dates scheduled in 2010 Celebrating the Centenary of the Armenian Relief Society.

1- Sunday 21st February 2010

Requiem Mass in memory of" Mother" Sophia Hagopian & all our departed members & benefactors.To be held @ The Armenian Church of Holy resurrection, 10 Macquarie St. Chatswood: Followed by a Repose Luncheon at the Armenian Cultural centre 259 Penshurst St. Willoughby. Open invitation.

2- Sunday 28th February 2010
"Centenary" Book Launch
Premier edition! Commemorating A.R.S. Centenary & A.R.S Australia's 45th Anniversary.

3- Saturday 13th March 2010
Centenary Celebration Ball Internationally acclaimed Performers Addis Harmandian & Garo Gaboudagian will provide entertainment throughout the evening.

4- Friday 19th March 2010

5- April 2010
Blood Donation In memory of 1.5 Million Armenians that fell victims to the Genocide.

6- Sunday 2nd May 2010
A.R.S Commemoration Day A festive Cultural evening followed by refreshments, all welcome!

7- Saturday 6th November 2010
Seminar Official end to the Centenary Celebrations followed by an evening banquet.

Your heartfelt donations are appreciated & welcomed! No amount is too small or too large, to donate or pledge please contact Gina Mazloumian on 98071406 or 0407907188.