Pako Sahakian, President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic visits the ARS, Inc. International Office

The ARS, Inc. representatives offered a brief presentation of the Society’s activities in the Republics of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh. They concentrated on the ARS “Soseh” Kindergartens in Artsakh and presented statistical details about the financial situation of the 12 kindergartens as well as the present number of pupils and staff.

The President and members of the delegation commended the ARS for its activities. The President underlined, more than once, the necessity of coordinating all projects in Karabagh with the local authorities. He stated, that the authorities of Nagorno Karabagh have adopted the slogan “let us join together”, that they are open to everybody for coordination of efforts toward securing a decent livelihood and acceptable social and economic conditions for all inhabitants in Artsakh. The President invited the ARS Central Executive Board to Stepanakert, to report to the local population about the Society’s activities in the diaspora and the homeland.

At the end of the meeting, ARS Central Executive Board member, ungerouhi Mayda Melkoninan presented the President Mr. Pako Sahakian with a gift. In his turn the President recorded the following in the ARS International Office’s visitors’ record book: “The people of Artsakh highly commend the participation of the diaspora and we are interested in developing and strengthening our relations in the name of our mutual goals”.